Your screenshots are readily accessible from within Steam itself. The only other way to find them is to manually search through your hard drive. Steam sorts your screenshots by game, but it doesn’t name the folder after the game. Instead, it names the folder after the game’s application ID — completely inscrutable, unless you’re in the habit of memorizing the IDs.

How to Find Your Steam Screenshot Folder for Any Game

The simplest way to find your screenshots is directly through Steam.

Launch Steam, click “View” in the top left, and then click “Screenshots.”

Click the drop-down menu at the top to select a game’s screenshots, then click “Show on Disk.”

The screenshot folder will open automatically in a new window. The path in the address bar is where the screenshots for that game are saved.

RELATED: How to Take Screenshots of Your PC Games

How to Find Your Screenshots Manually

The Steam folder itself can be almost anywhere — it entirely depends on where you chose to install it. If you installed Steam with the default options, here is where you will find it:




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How Steam Names Game Folders

Unfortunately, the naming scheme for game folders isn’t the most intuitive. By default, each game you have installed via Steam has a separate screenshots subfolder located inside the Steam folder. The subfolder is located at:

The placeholder “” stands in for numbers tied to your specific Steam account, and “” is the game’s application ID.

There isn’t a quick way to know what game is associated with each number, so you’ll have to just poke around until you find the right folder.