If you have a lengthy PowerPoint presentation but want to display a subset of slides from it, you can create a Custom Show. This lets you present a mini slideshow on its own or a link to one for specific parts of your presentation.

Picture this: You have a slideshow with 20 slides for the main topic, but with subtopics that include five slides each. Rather than creating a new presentation for each subtopic, use the Custom Show feature to group them. Then, present whichever slideshow you need at the time or a link to each for a particular audience.

Create a Custom Show in PowerPoint

Creating a custom show in PowerPoint is a simple process. Plus, you can arrange the slides in any order you like and edit the custom show when needed.

Open your PowerPoint presentation and select the Slide Show tab. In the Start Slide Show section of the ribbon, click “Custom Slide Show” and then “Custom Shows.”

In the small pop-up window, click “New” to create a custom show.

Next, you’ll see a Define Custom Show window. Give your new slideshow a name at the top.

On the left, check the boxes for all the slides that you want in the custom show and then click “Add.” This places those slides in the “Slides in Custom Show” box on the right.

You can then arrange the slides in the order you want using the buttons on the right. Arranging the slides in the custom show doesn’t change the order in which they appear in your regular presentation. To move a slide, select it and click “Up” or “Down.” If you want to remove a slide from the custom show, select it and click “Remove.”

When you finish setting up the custom show, click “OK.”

This brings you back to the Custom Shows window, where you can create another if you like. Click “Close” when you’re done.

You’ll notice that this is the same spot you can visit to edit, remove, or copy a custom show.

Present a Custom Show

To present a custom show, head back to the Slide Show tab and click “Custom Slide Show.” Choose the one that you want to present from the drop-down list.

You can link to a custom show from your larger presentation easily. This is handy if you want to direct certain audience members to a custom show or if you want to create a table of contents for your presentation.

You can create a link to the custom show so that you either click the item or simply hover your cursor over it. You also have the option to play a sound when the custom show starts or to return to the originating slide once the custom show ends.

Select the text, image, or object that you want to serve as the link. Then, go to the Insert tab and click “Action” in the Links section of the ribbon.

RELATED: How to Insert a Picture or Other Object in Microsoft Office

Choose either the Mouse Click or Mouse Over tab, depending on how you want the link to work. Select the “Hyperlink To” option and in the drop-down list, pick “Custom Show.”

In the tiny window that appears, select the name of the custom show. If you want to return to the slide that led you to the link when the custom show is finished, check the box for “Show and Return.” Click “OK.”

Optionally, you can check “Play Sound” and pick a sound from the drop-down list. You could play something like a dramatic drum roll or round of applause as you transition to the custom show. When you finish, click “OK.”

If you aren’t interested in using mouse over or playing a sound, you can add a quick clickable link instead.

RELATED: How to Link or Embed an Excel Worksheet in a PowerPoint Presentation

Select the text, image, or object that you want to link. Then, go to the Insert tab and click “Link” in the Links section of the ribbon.

In the pop-up window, choose “Place in This Document” on the left. To the right, expand Custom Shows if necessary and select the show that you want to link to. Optionally, check the box for “Show and Return,” and then click “OK.”

You can then give your link a test. Play your presentation, click the link that you created to take you to the custom show, and you should see that alternative presentation.

You don’t have to move or duplicate slides in PowerPoint to set up a mini slideshow. Just create a custom show. And if you want to include a table of contents in your presentation, this feature is ideal.